Purpose, People, and Product (Pt 6) Final

Purpose, People, and Product (Pt 6) Final

Sankofa Out of Africa
Purpose, People, and Product
12 Minute Blog

In short, the God inspired mission of Sankofa International, Inc. (Sankofa) is to restore Africa to its greatness, starting with helping Africa’s needy become self- sustaining. Strategically, Ghana will serve as the hub for Africa, and the community of Alogboshie will serve as the hub for Ghana. The Economic
Business Center (EBC) is being constructed in Alogboshie to house operations. To prepare the people of Alogboshie and surrounding communities, Sankofa has been conducting life-management and business workshops, which include, but are not limited to, the design and implementation of a grass-roots economic system to effectively manage community resources. Upon completion, the EBC will be a collection of community support businesses to help strengthen the
Alogboshie economically and more. The first business, which is currently under construction, is Sankofa Cares Chop Bar (Chop Bar). In general, a chop bar is a West African roadside bar and restaurant that also serves as a gathering place for the community. Some of the major services to be offered at the Chop Bar, are:
 Safe and Reliable Food Supply. Many children, in Alogboshie, do not have a reliable and dependable source of food, clean water, etc. Children, labelled as hardship, will be fed breakfast and dinner for free. When children are not eating for free, the Chop Bar is open to the general public, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, at a modest price.
 Basic Education. Many children do not attend school because they are looking for ways to eat.
The Chop Bar will offer basic educational programs to help prepare them for a competitive workforce.
 Clean Water. Most homes, in Aloboshie, do not have indoor plumbing. The Chop Bar will sell clean water to be used for bathing and cooking.
 Internet Access. Most residents do not have Internet access. The Chop Bar will house an Internet Café, with laptops, to offer Internet access. The Chop Bar will also conduct computer training. Additionally, the Café will offer routine business services (e.g., photocopying).
 Adult Education. Many adults cannot read or write at an acceptable level. Therefore, the Chop Bar will offer adult education courses.
 Training and Development. The Chop Bar will have two multi-purpose rooms to be used for training and development, meetings, conferences, etc.

Revenue, from services provided at the Chop Bar, will be used to help fund Sankofa support services in Alogboshie.

Timeline and Funding for Sankofa Cares Chop Bar
Chop Bar construction began in late 2018. Between 2018 and 2020, Sankofa spent, out of pocket,
$44,846, as follows:

2018 - 4,466
2019 - 18,960
2020 - 21,420
Total - 44,846
The Chop Bar has two sections. This money covers completion of Section 1, the front portion of the Chop Bar, which includes the public dining area, food and drink serving areas, and the upper level (VIP seating). This money also includes partial completion of Section 2 (back portion of the Chop Bar).
Specifically, it covers the foundation and skeleton for level 1.

An estimated $82,000 is needed to complete level 1, which includes:

Construction (Mason, Carpenter, and Electrician)
Plumbing (Toilets, Urinals, and Shower)
Water (Bore Hole and Poly Tank)
Start-Up (Food, Drinks, Utensils, Plates, etc.)

The target completion date, for level 1, is December 31, 2021.
Note: Upon completion of level 1, the Government will allow the Chop Bar to operate while levels 2 and 3 are being completed. This means the Chop Bar can feed children and the general public, sell water, sell bulk drinks for special events, offer washroom facilities, and provide a worker lounge.

Section 2 – Levels 2 and 3
An estimated $58,000 is needed to complete level 2 which will house a business center, internet café, small multi-purpose room, washroom, and office space.

An estimated $49,000 is needed to complete level 3 which will house a large multi-purpose room and washroom.

The target completion date, for levels 2 and 3, is December 31, 2022.

Funding Summary to Complete Chop Bar
Level 1 82,000
Level 2 58,000
Level 3 62,000
TOTAL $202,000

Whenever you make a purchase from Sankofa Out of Africa, the money is used to help support those who make the products and to support construction of Sankofa Cares Chop Bar. You can also make a monetary donation using one of the options below:

Cash App: $SankofaIntl (tax deductible receipts given for every donation)
Thank You Very Much

Footnote: For the story behind Sankofa’s journey, please read “When My Feet Touched the Ground – A Matriarch’s Prophesy”. Every dollar raised, from selling the novel, is used to support Sankofa projects.
Click HERE to purchase the novel.
To be continued…

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