Purpose, People, and Product (pt 5)
Although many artisans in Ghana are highly skilled, most are struggling to meet basic needs (e.g., food, shelter, clothes, etc.). These dire conditions along with a limited basic understanding of business management opens the door for exploitation by the wealthy (Ghanaians and foreigners). Based on relationships of trust, Sankofa International, Inc. (Sankofa) entered into partnerships with
some artisans. In short, if they agreed to complete Sankofa’s life management workshops, Sankofa would provide seed money to help them meet basic needs and to purchase equipment, materials, etc., needed to make hand-made products. Upon completion, the artisans would give the products to Sankofa, to be sold in the USA. Sankofa would take the revenue to Ghana and give a portion to the artisans to make more products (jobs) and to help meet basic needs, and the balance would be used to support other Sankofa projects.
In 2020, Sankofa launched Sankofa Out of Africa (SOA), an on-line shopping mall, to sell the products.When you purchase from the mall, you: 1) get quality products, 2) help the needy in Africa become self-sustaining, and 3) help restore Africa to its greatness.
To shop, click HERE.
The link is
Footnote: For the story behind Sankofa’s journey, please read “When My Feet Touched the Ground – A
Matriarch’s Prophesy”. Every dollar raised, from selling the novel, is used to support Sankofa projects.
Click HERE to purchase the novel.
To be continued…