Purpose, People, and Product (Pt 4)
Sankofa Out of Africa
Purpose, People, and Product
1 Minute Blog
While God continued to repair hearts, Sankofa International, Inc. (Sankofa) continued to do its part to help the needy in Ghana. In 2004, at the request of some supporters, Sankofa took ten Americans to Ghana and, surprisingly, the journey proved to be life-changing for the Americans and Ghanaians.
Through word of mouth, more Americans requested to participate in our life-changing Ghanaian journey, so much that, between 2004 and 2018, Sankofa conducted eight journeys. The journey, scheduled for 2020, was postponed due to COVID, and the 2021 journey is on hold for the same reason. Hopefully, these journeys will be conducted no later than 2022.
Once we get the “all clear” signal relative to COVID, we will conduct the journeys for the 2020 and 2021
groups. Afterwards, the door will be open for new groups. If you’re interested in attending a kick-off workshop to determine if you want to participate in a life-changing journey, please contact Sankofa to be placed on our contact list. The kick-off meeting covers a wide range of topics which include, but are not limited to, general itinerary, pricing, culture, life-style, languages, do’s and don’ts, safety and health, etc.
Email: modelvillage@sankofaintl.org Telephone: 202.257.4364
Footnote: For the story behind Sankofa’s journey, please read “When My Feet Touched the Ground – A Matriarch’s Prophesy”. Every dollar raised, from selling the novel, is used to support Sankofa projects.
Click HERE to purchase the novel.
To be continued…